Friday, July 27, 2012

Before and After the Storm....

A month ago we were facing Tropical Storm Debby. After watching the weather reports I wasn't too concerned about this storm as it wasn't going to become a hurricane. I learned even a small storm can do a lot of damage.

Of course my Kapok tree fell down. This has become somewhat of a yearly event since a storm years ago took the tap root. Having a tree with thorns on the trunk makes it a tough job getting the tree upright again.

I have a large grove of tropical bamoo which include, Olhami and many other varieties.  I had been meaning to trim some of last years culms that had started touching the fence, then my son fractured his elbow so I put it off.

The wind and the torrential rains from Debby was more than I had anticipated. The culms of bamboo kept rubbing back and forth on the fence until the plastic fence separated.

I didn't want anymore damage, so during the storm I went out by myself and cut 4 story high bamboo clums to relieve pressure off the fence. I do not recommend anyone doing this by themselves. At the time I had no other choice.  When I was in the process of cutting the bamboo with the chainsaw I literally felt the ground move. I jumped back and looked at the ground and sure enough it was moving! The wind had become so strong and the ground was so wet a 20 foot round clump of Oldhami bamboo was rising out of the ground each time there was a wind gust.

I managed to save the fence and after the storm passed I finished cutting the Olhami bamboo.

The moral of this story is don't wait until the storm is on top of you to start cutting plants, etc. If I would have done this before the storm I wouldn't have had a problem with the fence at all.

Here is a informative link from the UF/IFAS Extension to help you get your yard ready for a storm.